The Critical Eye (Season 1) Episode 7
“I” Am A WOMAN, And “I”
Earn, SO???? WhatEVER...............
is not the feeling that I want my readers to have at the beginning of this
episode of “The Critical Eye” but such is the irony of our society my friends.
This topic and title are in conjunction to how the society views, accepts,
respects, acknowledges and appreciates the money that is earned by women at
bring out the distinction between the women from different walks of life and divergent
strata’s of society, I hereby announce the underlying categories.
Heheheh.....ok! I know I sound like a pastor or a judge because of saying the
above, but it’s just to lighten up the senses as I thought the heavy matter
robbed the smile. J Coming back to the point I was trying to make, I mean
trying to type was this:-
Women Of The ELITE Group
2. Women Of The HIGHER
MIDDLE Class Group
3. Women Of The MIDDLE Class
4. Women Of The LOWER MIDDLE
Class Group or The Proletariats.
5. Women Of The DESTITUTE
vivisect the groups because yes my darlings, this is what our smart-alecky
society does to the very existence of WOMEN in general let alone their income.
Women Of The Elite Group |
Women Of The ELITE Group Or Glitterati
I say the very word elite something like Richie Rich appears before my eyes.
Oodles of MOOLAH!! Ah-Ha! ....Women who work, in this particular section of the
social order are either –
Heirs of fortune OR
Heirs of fortune.
rarely you will find someone starting from scratch because, WHY DO I NEED TO
START FROM SCRATCH? Well this is a legitimate question because if I have the
privileges why not make use of it. Because of the cushy nature of the entire
deal the money made is to enhance the riches’ already bestowed on them or
maintaining themselves and yes of course being self sufficient. Here the
society has a very limited role or should I say, it knows its limit. Not too detailed
of a pathological report is what one gets when it comes to the scrutiny of RICH
Money On The Lips |
Money slaps a finger on your lips, on everybody’s mouth. However
I cannot ignore the fact that there are people in that rich zone too, whose
mind set still screams the antediluvian mentality. I will elaborate this point
more in the middle class group so make sure you READ ME, till the end.
Women Of The HIGHER
MIDDLE Class Group
Higher Middle Class Women |
is a hybrid between the elite and the middle class group where the money sings
its own lyrics but is also overpowered by the tunes of the obsolete mind sets
people had in yesteryears. Women are kinda allowed to do when it comes to
earning their own money but they cannot step out of the shadow of the men in their
lives, because hey! Your existence is because of these men. Which is SO FUNNY
because I always thought that men’s existence is because of women, BIOLOGY
Recreation |
Women are sanctioned to do their HEARTS CONTENT as in recreational
activity of being all, and looking all independent yet the halter remains with
the HEADS OF THE FAMILY. SO basically they are earning if they are, for some
pocket money. WOW!
Women Of The MIDDLE Class
Middle Class Women |
group among all is “THEE” most SCANDALOUS and PARADOXICAL among all. All the
ego’s and all the brawn and all the tongues together they beat the drum.
Society |
drum of our so called perfect moral bound society. I use to think that are lives are finite and
souls infinite but in these dark dungeons the lives begin and end with “WHAT THE
SOCIETY SAYS?” Your “society says” will include ME babbling, and for me the
“society says” comprises of you twaddling. ALWAYS THERE TO SCREW EACH OTHERS
Paradoxical Society |
of all, the girls weren’t educated much leaving them with no option but to take
the “TIME-PASS” jobs in the outside world. That’s what the society says. Like
receptionist, secretary, front desk, teacher, salon services, HR etcetera. But
off lately this section of the society has seen THE REALIZATION
REVOLUTION,(Like green revolution J) which is more
opportunities to girls, more degrees, more options when it comes to studying
and working. I kinda like it but I guess the CONSCIOUSNESS could only penetrate
in the NEAT crevices of the already fractured mentality and remains huddled out
of the fear of “WHAT SOCIETY SAYS.”
Society Norms |
no matter how bigger the degree or higher the marks or greater the
achievements, practically none could change the so archaic mindset. A woman is approved
of the freedom to study more and get a job but it comes with a dominant clause,
i.e. once you get married the authoritative figure who holds your bridle will
change and they will decide for you if you become any of these:-
Study...Job...Quit...Become BRIDE SERVANT(In short useless,
not allowed to work after marriage. Women in our house, don’t work, even the
most inept men have the right to work out but NOT THE WOMEN. “What will the
society say, we are living off our daughter in laws money, What The Heck” . Ask
some intelligent people and they will tell you the reality, WTF.) J I would also like to
include the fathers not just the father-in-laws who think and act on same
lines, by either not letting the girl do a job or even if she does, making her
hard earned money sound like earned for free and not for family usage as to
them it’s like an ADULTERATED VERSION of what they had earned in the past. So corrupted
money is not theirs to take.
Salary Donator |
Study...Job...Become SALARY DONATOR (You earn and work your
ass off, but at the end of the month, the salary is at the disposal of your
husband or in laws who will use it for paying their loans off or to amplify
their LOCKER MONEY.)I have such an apposite exemplar to state in this regard
which ofcourse comes from my huge family, momi side ..pop side...all side...too
many relatives to handle...heheh.... aunt’s daughter who was marriagble age many many
years ago because now she is in her fifties and groom hunting began when she
was all of 23, so you can for yourself decide that not only now but THEN too
people had almost the same wicked mentality as now, with just a few new up
gradations tho. My aunt went to see a prospective groom for her daughter and
things were looking pretty good so the guys dad goes in to enquire about my
cousin to her school where she taught. Now here’s what you should listen the
most. Since the groom search was still on and things were not yet finalized so
a clear yes was still far from the horizon. The month following the groom’s dad
making enquiry at my cousin’s school, her salary was not credited to her bank
account. When she checked in with the accounts department she was informed that
her father-in-law had instructed them to credit the salary directly to another
account which was their son’s bank account from which the instalment of the
loan of their house was deducted monthly.
At his discretion.
Too fast forward for that time zone, I must say. But what I
am trying to pin point here is the fact that at a stage where things were not
yet materialized yet the would be father-in-law took the liberty of taking my
cousins finances into his own hands and reimbursing them at his discretion.
WOW...superWOW!!! So, one could really imagine or rather get the picture of how
things would have been if my cousin married this guy.
Morals & Ethics |
The middle class strata
is such that its morals and ethics and moral policing grounds all change
radically on the wishes of the dominant parties at stake which are usually the
guy and his family or the father in family. If the dough is as huge as the
disco ball, no egos, no societal norm gets in the way of the glitzy shinny
coins but if the money is meagre the entire society jumps in with their
decisions.(Like, is their say or decisions really should matter?) However,
there are some classic cases of FOOLS who disrupt the peace, respect for the
money earned by a woman only to satiate that useless, crappy sense of self of
theirs. So even when they really need the moolah, the man in the family has to
feel humiliated by WHO? Honestly its themselves and not any other. They will
leave no stones unturned to restrict the women and deprive her of something
that she rightfully stands for. The elite group also acts foolhardy in analogous
situations on related lines. The difference being only the amount of the wealth.
Society Sadist |
There are some innovative idiots popularly called the SADISTS
who have devised yet another way to crumble a woman’s will to go out and earn. They
will not retaliate openly, to them its fine if you work and earn but on the
other hand they will create so many stumbling blocks at every step that the cycle
of FALLING, GETTING UP, WALKING FORWARD never ends rather cracks up the energy
and then the will of a woman to an extent that she herself decides to call it
quits. You can do whatever you want but
yes, make sure of all the household chores, taking care of my parents, raising
kids, socialising with my relatives, entertaining me and being a good f**k in
the bed with no consideration for the woman’s health and relaxation is the only
thing I ask for. Yes, women have more strength, more patience, more calibre or
more will but PEOPLE....her energy and time are limited and exhaustive as
yours, maybe a little more than yours but they are. She cannot keep acting like
a juggler all the time. She has a life to live not a circus show to perform
that runs 24x7. Women who work are only
appreciated when they run a lot of things together. Work, house, kids, two set
of parents, two set of relatives, a husband etc. But at the same time a man is
appreciated or rather crowned as the head of the family when he earns. Let me
ask all of you, like what is so special about a man earning that he earns the
title of the head of the family without a single SWEAT. Whereas no amount of
BRAIN, BRAWN, BEAUTY, WORK, RESPONSIBILTY with no authority, a woman is denied
of the same. Usually when a man of the house is DEAD that’s when out of sheer
helplessness she becomes the head of the family.
Why Not? |
Class Group
Difference Dissolves |
Here the gender differentiation dissolves. The number of
mouths to be fed are way more than the number of hands working. The bread
winner of the family is the family in toto.
Less Earnings |
Either the earnings of one person
is so measly that everyone has to work in order to stay alive or the family is
colossal for one to feed. In this section whether men work or they don’t still
a woman’s EARN is not respected the way it should be. So some would ACKNOWLEDGE
not respect it because if they don’t they would be dead in its paucity or to
enjoy what has been earned.(Especially among drunkards who use it to stay
stoned forever.)
to the ALL BEGGING ZONE. Everyone that is a part of this section of the society
either lives below poverty line or begs instead of earning. Technically begging
is also a way of earning. But when the money earned by women in the upper
classes is not accounted for when it comes to respect and love, then here I
hardly hope for any. But the funniest part is, that here it is. Women and
children are accounted for, acknowledged for, for the big money they make by
begging but yeah! RESPECT......begging itself cremates the spirit of RESPECTING
Respect Womens' Earning |
be it any strata, anywhere, anyhow the condition and the outlook of the
populace remains unaltered. Very sad because out there are so many amazing
people who are trying really hard to undo this EVIL but seems like the evil is
multi talented and undying.
HOPE!!!! |
Having said that, I still do have a beautiful
reflection of the HOPE that RIGHT will shine and WRONG evaporate into some alternate
dimension, never to come back again here. J
PRECAP: Episode 8 Taste buds
in hell!!!
Excerpts:- Twist
on Traditional Food Recipes may be in, but what is your take on it? This
episode will steam out the real deal behind THESE TWISTS….So build up your
appetite as I am all set to serve you a massive meal.