Monday, January 19, 2015

The Critical Eye (Season 1) Episode 3 The Psychology Behind Facebook Inflicted Photo’s

The Critical Eye (Season 1)

The CRitical Eye

Episode 3
The Psychology Behind Facebook Inflicted Photo’s

The world of photographs or snapshot have gone a psychedelic change, right from the inception of Facebook. Bamboozled are you? Don’t be…I am going to explain that in a jiffy. How was our perception to kodachrome or photos as we commonly know before we had any Facebook?  Stand still, smile, if more, than say CHEESE and Click, that was the way. If you recall that nice, than my work stands half done. Because we all know what photos today are clicked like and what they mean like.

Stand Still, And Click

Hard copies of snaps, in bulky albums categorized as marriage albums, trips etc adorned our almirahs back then. But the most surprising thing is that “back then” is not back then, it was a recent activity which took a deep twirl was only and only for Facebook. Our pictures turned picture perfect when we decided to display them for people we barely knew, to people we live with.
Facebook basically gave us a platform to flaunt and publicize what we had to or what never existed. Whether we have anything to show-off or we didn't but the desire to blow our own trumpets didn't die. And here emerges the braggarts’ beating their empty vessels for the world to notice. Everyone on Facebook suddenly became an ace photographer, clicking what was ordinary to what didn't need a click too. From pictures in a park to bedroom, to what you ate and even bathroom were displayed as display pics. What the hell?...really people?

Party Poserz
Party Poserz

Ugly guyz and gals became studs and babes with deception pics and the desperate lot clicked every pic with the opposite sex posing as their beloved. One strange thing that I noticed and couldn’t just waive off like that is the fact why do girls on Facebook take pictures in a way that is very suggesting. By that I mean very clearly that they pose with their brothers like posing with their BF’s and definitely not like with their brothers. I know I am making a very strong allegation or comment but for those who like to understand what I am trying to tell, will not find it difficult to take and agree with.

To the entire populace on Facebook, folks you don’t have to just click anything and post on fb, you dont have to post a pic of POOP and expect a hundred likes and comments on it. What flabbergasts me is the fact that,  not only there are people clicking shit but there are people who really invest time in looking and commenting on that.
Loveless Life but Mushy PIcs for Facebook

Happily Married , ONLY IN PICS

Then there comes the special category of matrimony dipped couples. No matter whether their husbands are all syrupy in series of affairs and wives are cuddling with hunks outside their nuptial knots, the pictures will all be in glory and grandeur of the infinite love and bonding which in reality doesn’t even exist. These Kodak moments all falsify the veracity of hideous relationships underneath. When people who know them, look at that fake cinematization they think exactly the same what I am writing.
So much effort and time that stay invested in all this Facebook drama is to create a chimera around the masses that either don’t know the facts or who don’t know them at all but must  think highly of them. By merely looking at the pics for which they pose. Life may not be a hunky-dory but the Facebook pictures are.  Each and every aspect of our lives is embroidered into larger than life scenarios on Facebook and the medium, PHOTOS.

Life is lived outside pictures, and definitely not on Fb. The surreal world of Facebook is yet to come as an exclusive topic on my series, but I will love to tell my readers that pictures don’t make life, they sure make memories. But do you want your memories’ to be all LIEs or truths that would make you happy and nostalgic in future.

YesterYears When Cupboards Donned Photo ALbums...

Special Albums
No matter how much you can dupe anybody by posing flawless in your FB photos but your real KODAK moments don’t need a validation from the world. They made you blissful when you were in that moment and made you happy when you remembered them later on. Hard copies of real and joyful moments kept till infinity for your loved ones are more priceless than infinite soulless clicks for mass display.

Artistic Albums

String your real moments and make them feel loved.

Episode 4  of the Critical Eye  will scoop out the very usefulness  of the hosts/chefs of Food channels.  Don't forget to appetize  your mind platter with your very own The Critical Eye.

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